+ Racial disparities in maternal morbidity and mortality in the U.S.
Formal didactics: Review current statistics on maternal morbidity and mortality, review seminal papers from Drs. Howell, Grobman, Creanga, Simon, Louis, and more.
Hands-on activities: Develop a shared understanding of the factors that underpin maternal health disparities; Identify and encourage opportunities to strengthen biomedical research with community.
Hands-on activities: Develop a shared understanding of the factors that underpin maternal health disparities; Identify and encourage opportunities to strengthen biomedical research with community.
Joni Williams MD, MPH
Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine - Medical College of Wisconsin |
Anna Palatnik, MD
Associate Professor, Patrick J. and Margaret G. McMahon Endowed Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine - Medical College of Wisconsin; ENHANCE-M Program Director |
+ Clinical trials design Data science
Formal didactics: Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials with the focus on behavioral intervention studies
Hands-on activities: Recruitment, retention, and administration of the intervention RCT for Project 2 and Project 3 in the U54 MCW site Network; design their own RCT intervention trial.
Hands-on activities: Recruitment, retention, and administration of the intervention RCT for Project 2 and Project 3 in the U54 MCW site Network; design their own RCT intervention trial.
Abdul Shour, PhD
Project Scientist I, Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, division of Marshfield Clinic Inc |
Amy Pan, PhD
Biostatistician; Associate Professor, Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsi |
+ Health Informatics and Technology
Formal didactics: intersection of information science, computer science, and health care.
Hands-on activities: In collaboration with Froedtert Inception health and BabyscriptsTM developing health app for birthing people with HDP for lifestyle modification following AHA’s life’s essential 8 (related to project 3)
Hands-on activities: In collaboration with Froedtert Inception health and BabyscriptsTM developing health app for birthing people with HDP for lifestyle modification following AHA’s life’s essential 8 (related to project 3)
HyunKyoung Oh, Ph.D., RN
Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee |
+ Community Engaged Research
Formal didactics: Qualitative Research methods in Community Engaged Research including five-day workshop of community-engaged scholars
Immersion program available at MCW Hands-on activities: In-person workshop, meeting with community partners, engaging in discussion with researchers who have developed and maintained partnerships, and explore approaches to relationship development; participate in the community partnership component activities within the U54 Center
Immersion program available at MCW Hands-on activities: In-person workshop, meeting with community partners, engaging in discussion with researchers who have developed and maintained partnerships, and explore approaches to relationship development; participate in the community partnership component activities within the U54 Center
Leslie Ruffalo, PhD
Advisor, Family Medicine Learning Community & Family Medicine Student Association; Course Director, Promoting Health in Underserved Communities & Continuous Professional Development; M3 Family Medicine Clerkship: Community Health Instructor - Medical College of Wisconsin |
Staci Young, PhD
Professor and Director, Center for Healthy Communities and Research; Co-Director, Qualitative Consultation Service Team - Medical College of Wisconsin |
+ Social determinants of health and health disparities
Formal didactics: Relationship between inequities in SDOH and health outcomes in birthing people; Environmental and systemic causes of health disparities, disease mapping, social and spatial epidemiology, recruitment and retention of vulnerable populations Hands-on activities: NIH/NIMHD Health Disparities Research Institute
(HDRI) - travel and lodging will be funded by the U54 grant.
(HDRI) - travel and lodging will be funded by the U54 grant.
Sheri Johnson, PhD
Director of the Population Health Institute, Professor of Population Health Sciences (CHS) - University of Wisconsin – Madison |
Kirsten Beyer, PhD
Professor, Division of Epidemiology; Director, PhD Program in Public & Community Health; Co-Director, Global Health Pathway; Co-Director, GEO Shared Resource - Medical College of Wisconsin; Adjunct Associate Professor, Geography, UW-Milwaukee |
+ Patient reported outcomes
Formal didactics: Patient-Reported Outcomes research using NIH patient reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS); Clinical effectiveness studies and mechanisms underlying medication or intervention nonadherence
Hands-on activities: Developing a project collecting PRO data using PROMIS in birthing people tailored to specific pregnancy conditions such as gestational diabetes or hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Hands-on activities: Developing a project collecting PRO data using PROMIS in birthing people tailored to specific pregnancy conditions such as gestational diabetes or hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Joan Neuner, MD, MPH
Professor, Medicine (General Internal Medicine) - Medical College of Wisconsin |
+ Thriving and resilience in academia
Formal didactics: Leveraging participant’s lived experiences, coupled with culturally responsive teaching, research, and patient care, participants will enhance existing research skills to address complex challenges affecting equitable care in maternal health. Hands-on activities: Using principles of human centered design, scholars will develop research strategies that are Culturally Responsive Research and Resilience; Reflective writing in the health professions.
Ivor Benjamin, MD
Director, Cardiovascular Center; Professor, Medicine, Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy, and Surgery; Program Director, CVC T32 Training Program - Medical College of Wisconsin |
Kristina Kaljo, PhD
Associate Professor, Vice Chair for Education- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology– Obstetrics & Gynecology - Medical College of Wisconsin; Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination (CRTEC); ENHANCE-M Program Director |
+ Mentor engagement and networking
Formal didactics: Cognizant allocation of effort for research, teaching, and service, mentor-mentee relationship, how to network, strategizing grant applications, workshop on medical myths and assessing quality of journal articles.
Hands-on activities: Manuscript and grant writing, presentation review and slide preparation work, creation of graphic/visual abstracts, developing effective elevator speech to promote networking, writing IDP
Hands-on activities: Manuscript and grant writing, presentation review and slide preparation work, creation of graphic/visual abstracts, developing effective elevator speech to promote networking, writing IDP
Janet Rader, MD
Jack A. & Elaine D. Klieger Professor and Chair – Obstetrics & Gynecology, Division of Gynecologic Oncology-Medical College of Wisconsin; ENHANCE-M Program Director |
Michael Widlansky, MD, MPH
Northwestern Mutual Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine and Pharmacology; Associate Director, Cardiovascular Center- Medical College of Wisconsin |
+ Community Liaison
Laurie Kunkel-Jordan, Ph.D., RN
Dean, Associate Professor, Chair of Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Programs, Alverno College |